Learn to Apply Proven Strategies:
Make Established Tech Companies Apply to You

without wasting weeks on getting your information together from hard to understand blogs and docs


Become an Expert for Building High-Performing Native Android Apps

Stand out from hundreds of developers who aren’t specialized well enough

The market of native Android development isn’t as crowded as web development for example which makes it the perfect niche to become an expert in.

Earn a 6-figure income from any place in this world

Android experts are rare and therefore paid well. If you learn to build solid apps, you don’t need to worry about your financial future anymore.

Acquire a future-proof skill that is in demand like never before

In a lot of scenarios, native Android apps are irreplaceable. Flutter and React Native can’t make up for that.

Learning Android Development takes too much time?


I was in your exact situation. Jumping from one YouTube tutorial to the next one, just to find out it’s not what I searched for. Or fighting myself through endless Stackoverflow posts in Google Search (and let’s be honest – if you visit page 2, you know you’re lost).

It just quickly gets way too much. Bad courses with bad explanation, deprecated YouTube tutorials from 5 years ago and Google behind your neck publishing new technologies and frameworks faster than you can look.

And in the end solving your problem just took a few minor adjustments, but you spent another whole day in frustration, you would’ve much rather spent on your hobbies or with your family. We all know time is the most precious resource we have which makes this even more frustrating to spend hours for a problem someone else solves in minutes.

And let’s be honest, I fully understand when people quit because of this. Too often I temporarily quit coding as well because I was so desperate and thought I wasn’t made for this.

I felt like there was something missing. Something I wish I would’ve had when I started. All I really needed was someone who gave me a clear structure and roadmap I can just follow along without falling in a big hole of disappointment. Having such a great structure paired with easy to understand explanations would’ve saved me months or even years in my journey.

Philipp Lackner has over 13 years of experience in the software field. Over the past years, he built a following of over 150,000 developers on social media who trust his work. To make sure, this is not just theoretical school knowledge, he works as a consultant for companies around the globe and assists them with their native Android projects.
He’s happy about every developer’s life he can change to the positive.

Philipp Lackner has over 13 years of experience in the software field. Over the past years, he built a following of over 150,000 developers on social media who trust his work. To make sure, this is not just theoretical school knowledge, he works as a consultant for companies around the globe and assists them with their native Android projects.
He’s happy about every developer’s life he can change to the positive.

The boost for your Android development career

Protect All the Months You’d Lose Without Proper Structure and Guidance

The Kotlin Coroutines & Flows Masterclass

Coroutines & Flows
Jetpack Compose

There's no other technology Android developers make more mistakes with than coroutines & Flows. However, being able to confidently use asynchronous & reactive programming with Android's native technology will grant your app a huge performance boost and less bugs.
This Masterclass consists of mostly independent videos, so it doesn't matter if you're an absolute beginner with Kotlin coroutines or if you're already applying them in your daily work life - here, you'll learn all internals that have practical relevance for the industry as an Android developer.

This is what you'll learn:

  • Coroutine basics (Suspend functions, Coroutine Scopes, Jobs & Deferreds, Coroutines in Compose)
  • Coroutine Contexts (different parts of a context, context inheritance, Coroutine dispatchers & the principle of main-safety)
  • Coroutine Cancellation (Making a function cancellable & 4 common cancellation traps)
  • Error Handling (Exception propagation, SupervisorJob, CoroutineExceptionHandler)
  • Synchronization mechanisms (synchronized-block, Mutex, concurrent collections, single-thread dispatchers)
  • Flow fundamentals (Flow builder, hot vs. cold Flows, StateFlow, SharedFlow, CallbackFlow)
  • Learning Flow operators in real world scenarios
  • Testing coroutines & Flows

The Ultimate PL Course Bundle

Multi-Module Architecture
Coroutines & Flows
Wear OS
Unit Testing
UI Testing
Clean Architecture
Jetpack Compose

In this bundle, nothing is left out!

This is for those who are serious with Android development and strongly want to improve their skills. In over 70h of course material you’re going to learn all of this in a highly practical setting:

  • How you can build large-scale applications with a multi-module architecture
  • Master Kotlin Coroutines & Flows to boost your app's performance with multithreading
  • Build better apps in less time with advanced testing strategies straight from the industry
  • Workflow automation with powerful CI/CD pipelines for your Android app
  • Building and testing industry-level native iOS & Android apps using Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile
  • Building and deploying your very own Kotlin backend using Ktor
  • Creating a fully custom UI using canvas

If you are looking to get a well-paid job in the mobile development industry, this bundle will bring you there.

Mastering Automated Testing of Industry-Level Android Apps

Unit Testing
UI Testing
Testing Multi-Module Architecture
Clean Architecture
Jetpack Compose

Learn to build higher quality apps in less time by making use of automated test cases. This course comes straight from practice: You’ll apply all that at a huge production app that has over 50,000 lines of code.

In short, this is what you'll learn:

  • Basic & Advanced testing theory
  • Unit Testing with JUnit5
  • Fakes & Mocks
  • Testing Asynchronous Code (Coroutines & Flows)
  • Testing Time
  • Integration & Instrumentation Testing
  • Basic & Advanced UI Testing Strategies
  • Measuring Test Coverage for Unit & Instrumentation Tests
  • Tests Involving the Android SDK
  • End-to-End Testing

Building Industry-Level Multiplatform Apps With KMP

Clean Architecture
System APIs
Native iOS

In this course you’ll learn to develop a real-world translator app that supports 28 languages and runs on both iOS & Android. For that, you’ll use the brand new technology KMM (Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile) to share a maximum amount of Kotlin code between both mobile platforms.
This is what you'll learn:

  • Interaction with remote APIs in KMM projects
  • Using a local database in KMM
  • Reactive programming with Kotlin Flows and observing these on both platforms
  • Clean architecture in KMM
  • Sharing ViewModels between both platforms
  • Dependency injection in KMM projects
  • Theming on iOS & Android
  • Using platform specific APIs in KMM like the speech recognition API
  • BONUS: Writing automated test cases for your KMM apps

Professional App Development With CI/CD

Continuous Integration
Continuous Delivery
Google Play

In short, these are the key concepts you will learn step-by-step:

  • Automating common workflows using powerful CI pipelines with Bitrise
  • How you can fully automate the deployment of your app to Google Play
  • How Git branches are commonly arranged in the industry for projects at scale
  • Setting up a staging environment to automatically distribute your app to a QA testing team (commonly done in the industry).

The Android Essentials Bundle


Multi-Module Architecture
Architecture Theory
Google Maps SDK
Jetpack Compose
Dynamic Features
Wear OS

In over 100 lessons and 23h of exclusive video content, this bundle will teach you the absolute essentials of Android and software development.
You will learn to build a 6-screen running tracker app, connect that to a separately built Wear OS app and learn how you can properly manage it all in one codebase.

In short, this is what you'll learn:

  • Project planning & architecture fundamentals
  • Gradle, build-logic, version catalogs, convention plugins
  • Reactive programming with coroutines & Flows
  • Jetpack Compose in large-scale projects
  • Remote APIs, local databases & caching strategies
  • Dynamic feature modules
  • Data sync with API and Wear OS device
  • Tracking exercises with the Health Services API
  • Location tracking with the Google Maps SDK
  • Wear OS essentials

The Industry-Ready Developer Bundle

Multi-Module Architecture
Wear OS
Coroutines & Flows
Unit Testing
UI Testing
Clean Architecture
Jetpack Compose
This bundle includes 6 detailed courses that will teach you build solid, large-scaling and well testable apps ready for the industry.In short, this is what you’ll learn:

  • Multi-module architecture while following the clean architectural guidelines to speed up your Gradle builds, have scaling & independent modules and build parts of your app in isolation
  • Advanced testing strategies for industry scale apps to build higher quality apps in less time and make changes with much more confidence
  • Master Kotlin Coroutines & Flows to boost your app's performance with multithreading
  • Building fully automated CI/CD pipelines to automate running your test suite and deploying your app to testers & Google Play

If you want to become an industry-ready Android developer, this bundle is the way to go.

The Essentials of Industry-Level Android App Development

Multi-Module Architecture
Architecture Theory
Google Maps SDK
Jetpack Compose
Dynamic Features

This course contains 84 exclusive video lessons and more than 17h of material about the fundamentals of native Android app development.
You will learn to build a 6-screen running tracker app while following all fundamental architectural best practices in a multi-module setup.

In short, this is what you'll learn:

  • Project planning & architecture fundamentals
  • Gradle, build-logic, version catalogs, convention plugins
  • Reactive programming with coroutines & Flows
  • Jetpack Compose in large-scale projects
  • Remote APIs, local databases & caching strategies
  • Dynamic feature modules
  • Location tracking with the Google Maps SDK

Building Industry-Level Wear OS Apps

Multi-Module Architecture
Jetpack Compose
Wear OS

In more than 5 hours of video content, you will learn to build a complete Wear OS app and how you can connect it to a paired mobile device.
In particular, this course extends "The Essentials of Industry-Level Android App Development" and lets you integrate a Wear OS app into an existing architecture while following all fundamental best practices.

In short, this is what you'll learn:

  • Gradle
  • Reactive programming with coroutines & Flows
  • Jetpack Compose & theming for Wear OS
  • Exercise and heart rate tracking with the Health Services API
  • Synchronizing data between watch and phone


The Canvas Masterclass With Jetpack Compose

Custom UI
Jetpack Compose


Most professional apps out there use some kind of custom UI to perfectly fit the company’s branding. This creates recognition value among users and gives your app the uniqueness it needs to succeed.


In order to be able to build such customized UI on Android, you need to be strongly familiar with canvases. This course teaches you everything from drawing simple shapes to creating complex full screen animations.


Doodlekong - Making a Real Time Online Scribble Game With Ktor

Web Sockets

83% of the apps out there need access to the internet. Most of those will require a custom backend to fulfill their needs.

This course will teach you in an entertaining way how you can write your very own server architecture using the Kotlin backend framework Ktor and connect it with your Android app. Essentially, you will learn to build a real time online game and be able to make use of web sockets to add another crucial skill to your portfolio.

The Kotlin Coroutines & Flows Masterclass

Coroutines & Flows
Jetpack Compose

There's no other technology Android developers make more mistakes with than coroutines & Flows. However, being able to confidently use asynchronous & reactive programming with Android's native technology will grant your app a huge performance boost and less bugs.
This Masterclass consists of mostly independent videos, so it doesn't matter if you're an absolute beginner with Kotlin coroutines or if you're already applying them in your daily work life - here, you'll learn all internals that have practical relevance for the industry as an Android developer.

This is what you'll learn:

  • Coroutine basics (Suspend functions, Coroutine Scopes, Jobs & Deferreds, Coroutines in Compose)
  • Coroutine Contexts (different parts of a context, context inheritance, Coroutine dispatchers & the principle of main-safety)
  • Coroutine Cancellation (Making a function cancellable & 4 common cancellation traps)
  • Error Handling (Exception propagation, SupervisorJob, CoroutineExceptionHandler)
  • Synchronization mechanisms (synchronized-block, Mutex, concurrent collections, single-thread dispatchers)
  • Flow fundamentals (Flow builder, hot vs. cold Flows, StateFlow, SharedFlow, CallbackFlow)
  • Learning Flow operators in real world scenarios
  • Testing coroutines & Flows

The Android Essentials Bundle


Multi-Module Architecture
Architecture Theory
Google Maps SDK
Jetpack Compose
Dynamic Features
Wear OS
In over 100 lessons and 23h of exclusive video content, this bundle will teach you the absolute essentials of Android and software development.
You will learn to build a 6-screen running tracker app, connect that to a separately built Wear OS app and learn how you can properly manage it all in one codebase.

In short, this is what you'll learn:

  • Project planning & architecture fundamentals
  • Gradle, build-logic, version catalogs, convention plugins
  • Reactive programming with coroutines & Flows
  • Jetpack Compose in large-scale projects
  • Remote APIs, local databases & caching strategies
  • Dynamic feature modules
  • Data sync with API and Wear OS device
  • Tracking exercises with the Health Services API
  • Location tracking with the Google Maps SDK
  • Wear OS essentials

The Ultimate PL Course Bundle

Multi-Module Architecture
Coroutines & Flows
Wear OS
Unit Testing
UI Testing
Clean Architecture
Jetpack Compose

In this bundle, nothing is left out!

This is for those who are serious with Android development and strongly want to improve their skills. In over 70h of course material you’re going to learn all of this in a highly practical setting:

  • How you can build large-scale applications with a multi-module architecture
  • Master Kotlin Coroutines & Flows to boost your app's performance with multithreading
  • Build better apps in less time with advanced testing strategies straight from the industry
  • Workflow automation with powerful CI/CD pipelines for your Android app
  • Building and testing industry-level native iOS & Android apps using Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile
  • Building and deploying your very own Kotlin backend using Ktor
  • Creating a fully custom UI using canvas

If you are looking to get a well-paid job in the mobile development industry, this bundle will bring you there.

The Industry-Ready Developer Bundle

Multi-Module Architecture
Wear OS
Coroutines & Flows
Unit Testing
UI Testing
Clean Architecture
Jetpack Compose
This bundle includes 6 detailed courses that will teach you build solid, large-scaling and well testable apps ready for the industry.In short, this is what you’ll learn:

  • Multi-module architecture while following the clean architectural guidelines to speed up your Gradle builds, have scaling & independent modules and build parts of your app in isolation
  • Advanced testing strategies for industry scale apps to build higher quality apps in less time and make changes with much more confidence
  • Master Kotlin Coroutines & Flows to boost your app's performance with multithreading
  • Building fully automated CI/CD pipelines to automate running your test suite and deploying your app to testers & Google Play

If you want to become an industry-ready Android developer, this bundle is the way to go.

The Essentials of Industry-Level Android App Development

Multi-Module Architecture
Architecture Theory
Google Maps SDK
Jetpack Compose
Dynamic Features

This course contains 84 exclusive video lessons and more than 17h of material about the fundamentals of native Android app development.
You will learn to build a 6-screen running tracker app while following all fundamental architectural best practices in a multi-module setup.

In short, this is what you'll learn:

  • Project planning & architecture fundamentals
  • Gradle, build-logic, version catalogs, convention plugins
  • Reactive programming with coroutines & Flows
  • Jetpack Compose in large-scale projects
  • Remote APIs, local databases & caching strategies
  • Dynamic feature modules
  • Location tracking with the Google Maps SDK

Mastering Automated Testing of Industry-Level Android Apps

Unit Testing
UI Testing
Testing Multi-Module Architecture
Clean Architecture
Jetpack Compose

Learn to build higher quality apps in less time by making use of automated test cases. This course comes straight from practice: You’ll apply all that at a huge production app that has over 50,000 lines of code.

In short, this is what you'll learn:

  • Basic & Advanced testing theory
  • Unit Testing with JUnit5
  • Fakes & Mocks
  • Testing Asynchronous Code (Coroutines & Flows)
  • Testing Time
  • Integration & Instrumentation Testing
  • Basic & Advanced UI Testing Strategies
  • Measuring Test Coverage for Unit & Instrumentation Tests
  • Tests Involving the Android SDK
  • End-to-End Testing

Building Industry-Level Wear OS Apps

Multi-Module Architecture
Jetpack Compose
Wear OS

In more than 5 hours of video content, you will learn to build a complete Wear OS app and how you can connect it to a paired mobile device.
In particular, this course extends "The Essentials of Industry-Level Android App Development" and lets you integrate a Wear OS app into an existing architecture while following all fundamental best practices.

In short, this is what you'll learn:

  • Gradle
  • Reactive programming with coroutines & Flows
  • Jetpack Compose & theming for Wear OS
  • Exercise and heart rate tracking with the Health Services API
  • Synchronizing data between watch and phone

Professional App Development With CI/CD

Continuous Integration
Continuous Delivery
Google Play

In short, these are the key concepts you will learn step-by-step:

  • Automating common workflows using powerful CI pipelines with Bitrise
  • How you can fully automate the deployment of your app to Google Play
  • How Git branches are commonly arranged in the industry for projects at scale
  • Setting up a staging environment to automatically distribute your app to a QA testing team (commonly done in the industry).


The Canvas Masterclass With Jetpack Compose

Custom UI
Jetpack Compose


Most professional apps out there use some kind of custom UI to perfectly fit the company’s branding. This creates recognition value among users and gives your app the uniqueness it needs to succeed.


In order to be able to build such customized UI on Android, you need to be strongly familiar with canvases. This course teaches you everything from drawing simple shapes to creating complex full screen animations.


Building Industry-Level Multiplatform Apps With KMP

Clean Architecture
System APIs
Native iOS

In this course you’ll learn to develop a real-world translator app that supports 28 languages and runs on both iOS & Android. For that, you’ll use the brand new technology KMM (Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile) to share a maximum amount of Kotlin code between both mobile platforms.
This is what you'll learn:

  • Interaction with remote APIs in KMM projects
  • Using a local database in KMM
  • Reactive programming with Kotlin Flows and observing these on both platforms
  • Clean architecture in KMM
  • Sharing ViewModels between both platforms
  • Dependency injection in KMM projects
  • Theming on iOS & Android
  • Using platform specific APIs in KMM like the speech recognition API
  • BONUS: Writing automated test cases for your KMM apps

Doodlekong - Making a Real Time Online Scribble Game With Ktor

Web Sockets

83% of the apps out there need access to the internet. Most of those will require a custom backend to fulfill their needs.

This course will teach you in an entertaining way how you can write your very own server architecture using the Kotlin backend framework Ktor and connect it with your Android app. Essentially, you will learn to build a real time online game and be able to make use of web sockets to add another crucial skill to your portfolio.

What people are saying about Philipp’s courses

Martin Kiper convinced his interviewers thanks to Philipp’s courses

“The return of the investment is insane for the courses.”

Alon Shlider saved tons of hours with Philipp’s courses

“You can try it on your own with the Android docs, but it will take MUCH longer.”

Peter Suchanek found a job as an Android developer with the help of Philipp’s courses

“Philipp goes into a lot of depth with concepts you cannot really find online.”

Rahul Ahuja gained the knowledge needed for an Android job in another country

“What these courses gave me was a push to develop real-world applications rather than doing some proof-of-concept stuff.”

Pavel learned building apps for his clients thanks to Philipp’s courses

“If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be here today.”

Simon applies concepts learned from Philipp’s courses in an app with 5M downloads

“After just 20min, Philipp was able to answer all my questions.”

Esau has the same position as developers with 2 more years of experience

“Philipp’s courses are really worth what they cost.”

Elangovan cracked a coding interview because of the knowledge learnt from Philipp’s courses

“I strongly recommend Philipp’s courses for everyone who is fascinated about Android development.”

I have already had experience in Android developement before this course but I lost a bit of track to the best practises and state of the Art. This course brought me back on track really fast and Philipp really took care to convey general knowledge that can be applied on every Android project. I can recommend this not only for experienced developers but also for beginners to learn the right practises from the very beginning.

Matthias Kerat

I have been using modularization for a long time, but I learned new cool stuff and tricks in your course that will change my way of thinking about how I should design my code.
I really encourage every Android developer to take this course, it will definitely take your skills to the next level👏🏾👏🏾
Thank you Philipp, and looking forward to the next course 😍

Amer Hadi

At first I thought that changing my career will be much more difficult. I started to learn Kotlin, then I found Philipp’s YouTube channel. I had the feeling he is posting, everything I need, so I stick with this channel. And after some time, I felt like I can be something… What’s unique about Philipp, that he cares about those who are looking for help, he answers to PM’s, I’ve never had experience like that. He’s voice is easy to listen to, and from he’s listeners he made a community, with same minded people. If you learn from him you don’t only get knowledge which is worth the money, but you also get a programmer that helps you, and community which opens you a lot of chances So even if I’m not a pro, I can say I’m a part of community. Why not you be part of it ?


Hi Philipp! Just finished your multi-module course, loved it! The module configuration, the clean architecture explanation, and the way you suggest to set gradle are exactly what I was searching for. Infact i’ve already implemented a module for a complex multi-permission handling that I’m sharing between all my apps! Ad-hoc versioning and concepts separation are saving me a lot of time. Your course let me also the opportunity to enhance my jetpack compose and unit test skills . So, I can consider me super satisfied. Please, don’t stop mentoring 💪

Vitanio Daniele

Taking any of Philipp’s courses makes you go from 0 to almost 100 in understanding the concepts in no time. He explains the basics so well and teaches real world application use cases which will enable you to not only up skill your self but to increase your confidence in Android all together.

Messy Limes

This course is definitely a must buy. Philipp teaches you the most important aspects of working in the Android development industry, with up to date best practices and great code scalability. I’ve had struggles working with big projects, but after this course I feel so much more confident in my skills in building large robust apps.
Luka Luković

Learn to Apply Proven Strategies:
Make Established Tech Companies Apply to You

without wasting weeks on getting your information together from hard to understand blogs and docs